
Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Dear Manager:
一路上叮嚀著我們安全第一,深為每一位旅客的權益著想,Sam是一位超強棒導遊(A+),他善解人意,為人處事盡心盡力,最可貴的是將我們旅程中歡樂的時光,將它𨍭換成美麗的永恆Movies ,那是需要花很多額外的時間以及無私的關愛才能完成的,看了影片深受感動,不僅將我們此次旅遊的時間地點字幕加在影片中,且用心捕捉每一位團員的精彩照片剪接配樂(每首歌曲均精挑細選,非常好聽)。

敬祝 身體健康 萬事如意
生意興隆 财源廣進


Europa Holiday US Testimonial

This is my feedback on our tour guide Sam Ho  for the switzerland-Italy tour scheduled 9/4 to 9/16. He is a good tour guide – professional and humorous. I would recommend him to other people.

Senn Wang
Europa Holiday US Testimonial

To whom it may concern:

We joined Switzerland & Italy tour on September 4 – 16.  Sam Ho was our tour guide.

He is an experienced tour guide, he is very knowledgeable with history of each city.  He is also very cautious about our safety.  We also enjoyed his humorous stories.

We also liked the ideas of choosing our own lunches and not so tight schedule so that we got to walk around the cities at our own paces.

We definitely will pass the good words around.

Stay healthy and happy

Europa Holiday US Testimonial
To whom with concern,
Alice and I join the Seitzland and Italy tour from 9/4 – 9/16. Here, we like to show our appreciation to Sam Ho. He is a delicateed and responsible tour guide. We really enjoy it. He is humor, high EQ, and he spent extra effort to make our trip more comfortable.
Again, we like to thank Sam Ho.
Europa Holiday US Testimonial

We just came back from the tour of Switzerland and Northern Italy where Sam Ho was our tour guide. Many thanks to Sam who did an outstanding and professional job in making the trip fun and rewarding. He was humorous, knowledgeable, helpful, pleasant and hardworking. It wasn’t easy to manage a group of forty people, but Sam did a great job in giving good attention to each of us. Please take good care of Sam Ho. He is a real asset to your company and a rare talent in your industry. Thanks.

John Sun

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

To whom this may concern:
I just took a Swiss Italy tour with Sam Ho as travel guide.
This is my third trip with 歐之旅and this is the best I have had. Hotel arrangement , restaurants and touring of each places are very good. The best part is our travel guide.His knowledge of local history made the trip more interesting. He would go over his head so we can enjoy more with the trip.His humor made this trip more enjoyable. He is the best guide I have ever had. In future, I will join the trip guided by him.

Jinfan Shaw

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Dear Debbie,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank 歐之旅put together this excellent Russia Golden ring 14 days trip for our group.

The hermitage museumalace in St. Petersburg, Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Kremlin Tower, Moscow’s dinner on the river cruise
On an on ……..The food was excellent, some of the most beautiful restaurant I have seen. hotel was very good.
The tour guy was outstanding, very knowledgeable about the area history, problem solvers, very helpful on the entire trip.
we all came back with wonderful memories and looking forward for another trip with Europe holiday.

Thank you!
Ben Ou

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Chen.   Huang.    6.8.2018

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Jack Chan, 一路上他都很照顧我們而且
導遊Jack Chan
Nancy Su(Tsu Fen Su)

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Hi Debbie,

I would like to provide some feedback for our recent Eastern Europe 13-day tour (5/6 – 5/18/2018).

We had a very warm and friendly start with Jack Chen upon arrival at the Munich airport.

Jack has enriched professional knowledge, valuable experiences, and is highly dedicated to his job.  Jack not only verbally communicated the daily schedules with the group, he also sent us (via LINE/WeChat) the daily details, weather forecast and reminders.  It’s a very effective communication mechanism for us.  He is well organized and punctual.  The daily tour program was scheduled very well with adequate flexibility during the entire tour program.  We also greatly appreciate Jack’s extra time and effort taking us to a few more sightseeing points not in the original tour itinerary.

We truly enjoyed with Jack and appreciate his tireless effort through the entire trip. We also enjoyed learning from Jack’s personal 20+ years’ experiences living and traveling in various European countries.  He took good care of every one; treated us very nice and friendly.  Jack has done an amazing job; a true model of an excellent tour guide!

My husband and I have taken seven P&D trips in Europe. For any new interesting P&D tours guided by Jack, we would love to join him again.  We will also recommend Jack with P&D to our friends.

Best wishes and special thanks again to Jack, Jean, and Debbie!   We really appreciate your service!

Best Regards,


Europa Holiday US Testimonial

謝謝歐之旅!這個旅遊非常的棒,除了你們安排如此滿意的行程之外,最主要的是我們有一位好導遊小琪小姐,她上知天文 下知地理,古今中外時勢無所不通,中英德三國流利的語言令我們佩服,難得的是她人生的見解及她的耐心都使所有團員對她留下了深刻的印象,我老公是外國人,雖然去之前有印出各國的歷史,但小琪還是時不時地為老公用英文解說,我們決定未來要跟著歐之旅及小琪遊遍歐洲!謝謝 🙏

Europa Holiday US Testimonial
我是Alice Kuo.
経由朋友的邀約,我第一次參加貴公司9/18 – 10/1葡萄牙、西班牙之旅。
這次旅行回來已經快要一個月了,幾乎每一天我都會想起旅程中好友同行的點點滴滴,美好的景色,西葡兩國的人情風味,特有的文化資產,豐富的藝術饗宴,沿途我們的導遊Sam Ho先生都預先給我們詳盡的 intros. 到了景點,每一位地陪都有很高素貭的導覽,我看到每一個人都沈浸享受到西歐獨有的宗教文化藝術丰釆!貴公司安排的美食大餐也是一次比一次精彩,在長短適中的自由時間裏,幾乎每個人都尋到他們心目中的寶藏!玩得非常盡興!
我記得Sam在啓程不久,就告訴我們,他認為歐之旅的這個西葡行程較之其他公司,可以説是最棒的,我以為他在替老板誇口,走完這一趟,果然是不同凡響。而我也要特別讚揚Sam Ho 先生,他實在是整個旅遊團的靈魂。他誠懇有禮,言談風趣,才藝兩全,唱作俱佳,在長途bus ride當中,與團友的互動從無冷場,讓團友們很自然、快速地熟識起來。Sam不只是在職責上盡力,因為他個人優秀的EQ,誏我們感到他的服務額外令人感到貼心、愉悅!另外,Sam不只是專業知識豐富,對時事、世界局勢的也很有見地,不只全團都覺得有幸,連我們的司機先生都讚揚他。
Alice Kuo
Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“Dear Debbie, Johnny and Staff at Europa Holiday :

Jeanne and I would like to express our greatest pleasure and deep gratitude for a superb tour offered by your company, on October 9-24, 2017.

The courses of the tour were comprehensive and interesting, hotels were fine and centrally located, foods were delicious, bus was new and comfortable, drivers were skillful and safe, the value was way above the cost of the tour, the staff at your home office were courteous and efficient, and our tour guide Mr Johnny Tan was Number One !

We will recommend your Company to families and friends.

We will be planning a tour of England, Scotland and Ireland in Mid-September 2018 with you.

Thank you again !

Jenta and Jeanne Shen”

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Dear Johnny,

非常謝謝你十多日來的導遊與一切的照顧 備應豐富的羅馬義大利各地的地理歷史概要及一切有關的故事, 使我們經歷了一次難能可貴的義大利之遊! 希望能有機會再參加你的旅遊! 謝謝!

江雪 與 江周婉玲


Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Dear Johnny,

We enjoy this trip very much. This is our first time to have you as guide. You are very kind, very patient and very knowledgeable about history, geography and sometimes very funny. 多謝您了! 後會有期!

Wuu-Shung and Mann-Manny Chang

莊武雄 與 周滿滿


Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Mr. Tan,

You are the best tour guide we meet so far. We have traveled to more than 90 countries so far.

Thank you !

From Frank Sung
Lillian Sung

Europa Holiday US Testimonial
We have joined Europa Holiday Tours for several times in the past 10 years and are we are very satisfied with their services. We strongly recommend this company.
Shirley Wu
Oct 12′ 17
Europa Holiday US Testimonial


My wife and I finished our 13 days tour started 9/5/2017 to Switzerland and Italy and we had a wonderful time. Our tour guide Sam Ho is friendly and flexible as wells as knowledgeable.  He has a very pleasant personality and is very likeable.  Nothing was too much trouble and our questions we asked were always met with  warm and knowledgeable responses.  He always went out of his way to ensure that we had a good time and he well and truly did that.  He is quick think and was always there to help us despite unexpected weather conditions in a couple days during the trip.

Thanks Sam for a memorable and enjoyable trip.  I highly recommend Sam as a tour guide.

Warm Regards,

Paul Liu
Assistant Vice President
Trust Operations
Global Trust Services

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Dear Sir/Madam,

We recently joined the travel group for the 14-day trip to Portugal, Gibraltar and Spain Sept 18 – Oct 1, 2017, and would like to say that we were very happy with the trip!

We enjoyed the trip very much and we could see that everyone in the group had a great time!  We thanked the good trip to the careful design of the itinerary, good arrangements of the trip, and excellent management of your team!

Also, we think that our tour guide, Mr. Samuel Ho, had contributed a lot to the great satisfaction of the group!  We felt very lucky to have Sam with us for the trip!

Sam is very knowledgeable and is a hard worker.  He showed his love of his career and care of his clients.  Sam spent a lot of time sharing the information with us about the places we were visiting. He always provided us a lot of background or history information, which was very helpful for us. Sam was very careful and paid attention to all the details, which helped the smoothness of the entire trip.  Sam has a very good personality and everyone loved to talk to him and make jokes with him.  It made our trip more enjoyable!  We all appreciated these a lot!

We will definitely consider P&D Travel Agency for our future vacation trips and will recommend P&D to our friends!


Jianhong Zhao
赵建宏  **
Europa Holiday US Testimonial

To whom it may concern,

I just joined your trip “Switzerland & Italy 13 days” from 9/5/17-9/17/17.  Just want to let you know that this trip was managed well including meals and hotels (most of them).

The best of all,  the group leader Sam Ho was not only knowledgable, but also very thoughtfulness to everyone in the team just like a family. Also, after so many years of traveling, so far he is the only group leader I met who creates a professional video for us to make this trip more memorable. We really appreciate that. Sam is great and we were very lucky having him as a leader.

This was a great trip, we all enjoyed a lot and had a wonderful time. Thank you 歐之旅 for managing a great trip like this and I would definitely recommend it to friends. Thanks again. 👍😄

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

August 2-August 12 Swisstzerland

Subject: Guide

” Samuel Ho truly lives up to his profession as a guide. In our mind he is like a walking dictionary and yet extremely entertaining!
Every scenery he comes fully prepared with research done and presents it with his full energy and enthusiasm .

From Y.H.GOH

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Dear Sam/P&D Travel Agency,

我這一生中參加過大大小小的旅遊無數次,但就屬這一次的東歐之旅<wbr />是最令我畢生難忘,南加土風舞社舉辦的14天東歐之旅,不但讓我<wbr />盡享湖光山色之美,倘佯在歐洲古典的歷史文化之中,更有 Sam 導遊的精心帶領, 整個行程豐富美滿讓我流連忘返。
Sam 的專業,讓我們置身於歐洲古典文以及優美絕倫的湖光山色之中,看<wbr />盡各種古堡, 藝術雕刻,教堂的宏偉建築。對照高中時唸過的歷史,真是行萬里路<wbr />勝讀萬卷書。
Sam 的幽默風趣使整個行程充滿歡笑,絕無冷場,一掃在 bus上的 boring。
Sam 的行李安排 ,時間的掌控 ,以及對每一位團員的照顧,讓我們省下許多看顧行李的時間,充分<wbr />掌握時間享受每一個旅遊的景點,也讓大家多交了一位摯友, 在在都讓我們銘感於心。
這次旅遊將永遠深印在我心坎裡,我已向衆親朋好友推薦 Sam Ho 為他們未來旅遊導遊的第一人選,也期待下一次旅遊能與 Sam 再相聚。

Fanny Han

Europa Holiday US Testimonial


Wendy!覺得嗎?Sam 不止是優秀又風趣導遊,更像是大家的好朋友.

Connie: Sam 在旅途中處理事情簡單明瞭 , 處處考慮周到 , 讓人覺得像跟一個老朋友在旅遊 , 親切而不失專業 !

反正說了 謝 ! 還是 謝 ; 多少個感謝都 謝不盡 ! 小帥哥請保重 ! 我們後會有期 !

nancy:Sam, 我们不会忘记你的了,不是因为你帅,你酷,而是因为你是够专业,够贴心,march AB型,施比受更多。看上去你真的是过着吸血鬼的日子,常常晚间出没。谢谢你,使我们有个愉快的旅程。如有缘希望下次再会!bye祝你一切顺利。

Helen:Sam, 你太棒了吔,超酷!超値,超级喜欢,每天一集,看起来更有味道!




Daniel Chu 朱永義 東歐旅遊回來後,雖天天忙碌內外,卻不忘欣賞諸位團友的大作,更沉醉享受 Sam 的傑作!
曾先後遊覽過許多國家,曾參與經歷過無數旅團,而 Sam 卻是位瀕臨絕種、絕無僅有、旅遊界的稀有生物!風趣幽默、見多識廣、熱情洋溢… 這些詞彙怎足以形容我們這 14 天來的感受?你,不單以專業帶團,更是盡心照顧、摯情交友!何其有幸,能在湖光山色、古蹟名勝間,得蒙瞻前顧後的關愛、得享鉅細靡遺的呵護!謝謝你!Sam!謝謝你!


Europa Holiday US Testimonial

我和內人參加歐之旅東歐十三日B團,上周日剛從布拉格返美,我倆曾在小費信封上寫下對Sam此行領隊有方,我們得以盡興遊山玩水,表示感謝 。Sam問我可否轉述給妳,我們欣然同意 。

此隊成員卅人,有來自大陸,台灣和越南華僑,母語包含普通話,台語,廣東話,福州話和英語,照說應該很難面面俱到,溝通無間,但對能流利說多種方言的Sam,一點都不成問題 。

沿途的景點介紹,在枯燥的統計數字裏,Sam穿插一些典故和對比,將它講的生動有趣 。

Sam的模仿,歌唱,表演,逗趣功力一流 。他有豐富的生活閱歷,腦裡記者數不盡的笑話和趣事,經常逗得團員笑翻了天,有些團員還跟著哼哼唱唱,大伙兒一見如故 。

此外,Sam親手製作旅遊記錄的video,分五集免費寄給大家,作為紀念,獲得團員一致好評 。

內人和我從九五年起參加十多個洛城主辦的旅行團中,此團領隊的表現可圈可點 。


Europa Holiday US Testimonial

Debbie 妳好 :

我和內人參加歐之旅東歐十三日B團,上周日剛從布拉格返美,我倆曾在小費信封上寫下對Sam此行領隊有方,我們得以盡興遊山玩水,表示感謝 。Sam問我可否轉述給妳,我們欣然同意 。

此隊成員卅人,有來自大陸,台灣和越南華僑,母語包含普通話,台語,廣東話,福州話和英語,照說應該很難面面俱到,溝通無間,但對能流利說多種方言的Sam,一點都不成問題 。

沿途的景點介紹,在枯燥的統計數字裏,Sam穿插一些典故和對比,將它講的生動有趣 。

Sam的模仿,歌唱,表演,逗趣功力一流 。他有豐富的生活閱歷,腦裡記者數不盡的笑話和趣事,經常逗得團員笑翻了天,有些團員還跟著哼哼唱唱,大伙兒一見如故 。

此外,Sam親手製作旅遊記錄的video,分五集免費寄給大家,作為紀念,獲得團員一致好評 。

內人和我從九五年起參加十多個洛城主辦的旅行團中,此團領隊的表現可圈可點 。

我們對行程安排仍有些建議,但瑕不掩瑜,內人會用意見調查表,另外寄給歐之旅,作參考 。


Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“Hi Debbie,

My name is Anita Ha. My friends (9) and I joined P&D 13 days Eastern Europe tour from September 06 to September 18. We received warm and excellent services from Samuel and Mario during our trip and would like to express our gratitude.

Sam is humorous, cheerful and professional. He perfectly arranged our daily schedule. He was very organized and took good care of us. He was very good in making us laugh, our bus was always full of laugh and joy and was never a dull moment. He even went extra miles to make and send us video about our trip so we can have good memory. We were having great time and enjoyed our trip. We would definitely recommend P&D Travel to my friends.

Mario was also very professional, he had excellent driving skill and was a safe driver.

In short, Sam is an excellent tour guide. We were delighted and fortunate to have him as our tour guide.”

— Anita, Ing, Julia, Jasmine, Lily, Lynn, Margaret, Olivia, Sherry and Sue

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

非常感謝釆玲在短短幾個小時內就編出這套精美的影片,也放入 最佳導遊 Johnny 替我們拍的團體照,讓我們永遠保留甜蜜的回憶。
6月13日將諸位請到 Aix-en-Provence 和我們同慶 結婚45週年紀念,感謝大家相挺。
再次感謝釆玲、Richard、Johnny、歐之旅 的 Debby & Jean、以及全體團友。
 (于 Place Vendome, Paris)
Europa Holiday US Testimonial


— Ximin S.

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

My overall comments on our Australia and New Zealand trip with P&D travel company.
and how they shared their advise.  Also, all the local tour guides demonstrated their knowledge and experience. We were very lucky with the exceptionally good weather. Everything went well and everything either met or exceeded our expectations. All the hotels were clean and comfortable.  The only thing I think that can be improved is the food service.  We don’t mind spending a bit more money to have good meals.  But during our trip I had the opportunity to give feed back to our travel agent and they took immediate action to compensate us. This willingness had put a smile back on our face.This was a really fun trip with so many nice spots, so many beautiful mountains and so many breathe taking water views, like the snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef……………

Because we wanted to do so many things while we were there, we didn’t have much time to just look around. I would add at least one more day in Melbourne and one in Sydney. ”

— Ben Ou

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“I have met the owner of Europa Holiday, and he is super nice! icon smile 客户推薦  I first came across Europa Holiday through a friend and I suggested this Travel Agency to my mother.  They offer tours that are tailored to Mandarin-Chinese speaking individuals, which is great for my mother and her friends!  I have not had an opportunity to go on one of the many vacation tours they offer; however, my mom has and she says only good things about them!”

— Sing Y.

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“Great deals on European Travel Packages. The tours are mostly done in English and Chinese. Good for people trying to learn Chinese or if you have family that needs Chinese service. :)”

— Victor H.

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“Great for dropping off your parents so they can start booking trips to Europe.

Not so great for young people like me who are so busy working all the time to take a vacation with their parents….”

— Tony T.

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“A really good traveling agent. We love to join their tour. Great customer service. Really sweet agent, brought us on a Euro tour that was beautifully planned, unlike the traditional boring tour.  Lots of things to see! Short and sweet. Try them!

— Cally M.

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“Really affordable pricing.  Very fun trip.  The tourist lady is super knowledgeable.  Great customer services.  Finally, the food is really outstanding during the tour.  It was well organized.  It is not like go fish yourself, or you have no idea what to eat at the local spots.  This tour will provide a really well introduction to the local cuisines.  Two thumps up.”

— Wayne K.

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“I just back from North Europe tour.  The tour schedule was very nice as their ad.  Unlike other travel agency with which I came to East Europe couple years ago, we sometime went back to hotel around 3-4 pm that early; or just hit the scenery for several minutes then rushed to have dinner…..!   This travel agency’s tour guide in N. Europe is professional and humorous.  I did enjoy the tour at this time.”

— Gladys L.

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“I have been using this Enterprise location since September 2001. I will continue to use this facility because the service, location and reliability of the staff is excellent.”

—  Thomas S.

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“Dear Debbie & Jeane

謝謝你們的安排,很滿意。今天住Bled lake,下午去導遊的私房菜hiking 很棒。”

— Eric Lin

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“天時, 地利,人和缺一不可, 這次天時有那麼小小遗憾, 但是”人和”彌補了這個缺失, 謝謝所有團員的包含, 也謝謝P&D 給我們很好的服務, 當然也謝謝思童生動的講解,讓我們從另一層面了解歷史悠久的希臘. 可愛的團員們, 期待再有下個美好的旅遊囉!!”

— Shirly Wu

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“I wanted to praise P & D travel, Europa Holiday, for their perfect arrangement of all detail itinerary, meals and hotels. We could not have such  great trip without their hard work, and we couldn’t travel so far and so fun without a perfect guide Bonita !!

Mr. Allen has been working with me since last Oct. it took him many days and nights to finalize all required museums and palaces. He is an amazing guys !

I am also fortunately to know Prof. Michael Brown from Julliard School of Music in NY, who suggested  me about those wonderful composer’s estates and instrumental  museums to visit, so I started to plan this trip since last summer. Our agent has no idea about those places, neither Bonita. There are many Julliard’s students go to Germany and Austria, attend their summer classes or music festivals.”

— Juliana K.

Europa Holiday US Testimonial

“My parents just came back. They had a great trip. Thank you very much for the service your team provided.”
